Highway bridge, A 10 crashes in Genoa bearing Misfortune called mind. 30 Dead

Bad Incrediblück: A busy Autobahnbrücke 10 near the Genoa (Italy) is on Tuesday, 14. August 2018, designsürzt. First Sch—transfers from the über 30 of the dead!

In Italy it is on Tuesday, 14. August 2018, in the Nähe of Genoa, Italy, to a severe &Ndash;nglück come. On the A 10 motorway, the Brücke Viadotto Polcevera – location: see the bottom of the map – in part mdash.&; rzt. According to the fire Department for numerous vehicles with in depth ripped and tens of cars  had been crushed between it and the Trümmerteilen and Truck in the river Polvecera landed. At least 30 people came to the Brücken collapse lost their lives, as the Italian Minister of the interior Matteo Salvini, the best—accidentally. The number will but expected to rise. the First images of the Incredibl–cksort show the Brücke in the midst of clouds of smoke. According to the news Agency Ansa, two of the three pillars, and about 200 meters from the Brü should be dropped;cke from more than 40 metres from Höhe. Fire and Rettungskräfte in Großarray . The Gründe für the collapse of the Brücke are still unclear. As against 12 at the Incredibl&ndash noon;ck occurred, there had been a heavy storm. News Longest pier in the world: Hong Kong-Macau  55 kilometers long, record-breaking bridge

Posted by James Hammett at .

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