Huge New Car Halden (Overproduction): Urban Legend The truth behind new car Halden

For a long time, they were für die größten car-Müllhalden of the world, and many r—tselten über your meaning. The Erklärung für dumps the huge new car, however, is far simpler. We räumen with an old Urban Legend.

It's a real scandal: Huge piles, which are allegedly not sold new cars by the Thousands in front of was "rusted". Especially in times of a car crisis of 2007, several photos of a massive car stellfl—to a Symbol of the decline of the industry. The Story quickly made the rounds – and no longer was a Urban Legend! New cars in large quantities to Häfen, test tracks and other Flächen will be parked, is not to be attributed to such a crisis, or &Ndash;review production, but the fact remains owed to that the new car will be somewhere stored between;and, before you delivered or shipped. A normal procedure in the international auto industry. Video To 300,000 repurchased VW Diesel: Video  VW leases 37 gigantic Parking

Posted by John Hatfield at .

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